I specifically chose this unit for next week's reading, because love stories have always fascinated me. Whether they be tragic or romantic, even tragically romantic. The tale of the God of love himself, along with one of the prettiest princesses there was, couldn't have caught my attention more. In each of these readings, I notice a sense of vulnerability. I can understand the overwhelming feeling. I'm sure anyone can, though it shouldn't be shunned, but embraced and empathized.
The next unit I found intriguing was that of "The Life of Buddha"; subunits of Reading A: The Great Truths and Reading B: The Tree of Knowledge.
Religion has tugged on my ear from time to time. I am a raised and baptized as a Christian by my mother's side, though my father is Buddhist himself. To this day, I share a household of two thoughts and morals that have worked as one. So this is something that is slightly old and new for me, although I would like to understand The Life of Buddha in great depth through these tales.
Lastly, my country...my parent's home..this unit spoke to me the most just by the seeing the country and I'm glad that it was an option: "Folklore of Laos"; subunits of Reading A: The Man in the Moon and Reading B: The Justice of In Ta Pome.
Of course, as I have stated above, I am a proud Laotian so I could not resist seeing what stories have been told. I knew nothing of these stories until I was able to read them not too long ago. They definitely have strong morals that make one think. These stories truly teach us many great values to obtain and never take advantage of. They are like some of the superstitions my parents told me as a child to this day as a grown lady.
(With culture there is love, with love there is culture. Flickr.)
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