Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Week 8: Growth Mindset

Looking back at my previous post on Growth Mindset, I told myself that I'd learn more and that I wanted to as the semester progressed.  I haven't kept to my word.  After realizing the workload that I've encountered and dealt with, it seemed difficult to learn more about it.  I'm grateful that this Review Week is giving me the opportunity to dig a tad deeper into the topic, since I haven't been lately.  

I reviewed the different dimensions of growth chart and it reminded me a lot of what I learned in my sessions.  I discussed in my previous post that I was deemed with 'fear of failure.'  Though I have this issue, that doesn't mean that I can't grow out of it.  And all of what I've marked off for myself, usually related to my past experiences and even some now.  The reason why I chose this image below is also the reason why I have difficulties with progressing out of the fixed-mindset as I am comfortable where I am.

(Comfort Zone.  Link.)

The few dimensions that seem to have grown within me are: finding motivation within myself, attempting to set my own goals, being open to any/all feedback, and willing to learn from my mistakes.  These are very important, granted that they are all important, but they speak to me.  I've opened up to each of these little by little and it has worked.  Though I still struggle in finding motivation and lack setting goals, I am still trying to get through them.  Each of the other aspects are also ones that I will slowly be improving on as the year goes on.  The most that I am trying to push through this semester in all of my courses and with handling work is staying completely positive.

(Positivity Jar.  Flickr.)

Positivity can be very difficult to uphold and maintain, but just thinking and believing in yourself can get you far.  So far it has helped me stress just a tad less and it is helping me get through my assignments without thinking of the end result as failure, but that the process is worth it in the end.  Whether I receive a good grade or not, I will take it in terms of learning from my mistake and receive the feedback that I need.  This course is great in that aspect.  I am able to receive the right kind of feedback and also provide myself with the chance of redoing an assignment to better improve on my work.  The overall task and process of the assignment is the goal rather than the end result as a whole.

This class, like the rest, has definitely given me the challenge of setting my own schedule/priorities and goals with all of my homework and with managing my social/work life as well.  Not only that but they also provide me with the ability to learn that I can try new things, take risks, practice, ask plenty questions and improve my confidence through all of those without feeling as if I will fail at the task in the end.  There is still a lot of room for improvement overall and I am willing to take on these challenges one at a time, until I can reach my full potential.

(Just believe.  Flickr.)


  1. Hey Avida! I am glad you saw my comment and decided to change the font! I love that you kept the headings and other main text as the fancy font as it still keeps it beautiful! I agree that this class made me keep a tighter schedule and not procrastinate as much as well! Good Luck with your posts!

  2. Avida, I think it’s great that you’re at least honest with yourself! I feel the same way about this semester too. At first, I was like “I’m going to work so much harder!” And since it’s my last semester I kept saying how I was going to “Go out with a bang!” But my workload has really been getting to me. I completely understand how hard it is to stay positive, but I also remind myself that I don’t have a choice and I’m really only hurting myself if I don’t try!
