Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Unloading Future Improvements

In terms of the ideas that were already offered and slightly implemented, I would say that they give great options to the course and could improve for some.  My thoughts on them?

  • For changing the review weeks to planning weeks and just intertwining them together makes sense.  I actually like the idea, because it definitely gives students time to figure out their schedules and for them to not freak out so much about what to do next.  Though, I will say that some people who have spontaneous schedules, like me, can be quite difficult.  Even though a schedule is set, the due dates do essentially help with having to get assignments done and even when we miss the due date based on some reason, it can still hinder progress.  Due dates just frustrate me, but they are necessary.  
  • For expanding story planning options, I do like the idea of this as well and incorporating it as an actual assignment rather than collectively/optionally with the storytelling option.  I say this because I have done a story planning and it proves quite useful, though I haven't gotten to the actual story quite yet.  I actually plan to, because I know it could make a great story, but as far as doing so for sake of due date, it didn't come as easily so the planning was implemented.  
  • Audio recordings are different that's for sure.  For someone to input that idea is creative even though some content are already recorded orally.  I enjoy reading aloud and I am one that learns and retains best that way, but I don't exactly listen to them for myself.  I have to be the one to read it for myself otherwise I'll get distracted easily and not be able to retain anything.  I also do better if I can visually see what I am exposed to.
  • Writing tutorials could actually be even more beneficial and possibly some videos of instruction on course content?  Sometimes I find it difficult to read through instructions because I could've missed something or that I just don't want to do the assignment because the instructions are too lengthy.  There is a lot to be said and I think a video/audio would be great.  I am able to focus on something like that, because it pertains to requirement and understanding rather than the entertainment of a story.
  • I actually like the idea of splitting up stories based on their themes.  It helps for some to decide what they want to write over and I am one of those that can have difficulty in what I want to convey/transform.  Things can change based on mood, so it surely helps.
(Quote taken from JmStorm.  Instagram.)

Overall I don't quite have much for ideas at the moment.  I wish I could configure a way to help improve certain assignments and scheduling, but every time I think of something it doesn't seem to fit in.  Meaning that it won't work unless it adds to the work load.  Though I think it would also help if there are going to be planning weeks, that aside from having story planning as a separate graded assignment, it could be considered extra credit.  An extra credit could be favorite Youtube videos after learning how to embed them into blog posts or music even.  Rather than it's own extra credit unit, it can be a subtopic in another, much like wikipedia trails but rather than finding a favorite, they can share whatever speaks to them all week and what they learn from it. 

I hoped some of this gave further ideas/details beyond what I've stated and creates something great! 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Learning Challenge: Mental Illness

This is a topic that hits home with me.  If many of you hadn't noticed reading some of my previous posts and/or just thought nothing much of it, yes, I do see a therapist/psychologist.  I'm pretty vocal about certain things that go on in my life and within myself.  It's not to gain attention, because, geez...I am far from that.  Attention just isn't my forte.  The reason I voice my thoughts and opinions are because I usually think/believe that not everyone is listening and that they won't possibly remember.  And some I tell just to hear what they say; for those that I care about and care about me, I wonder to what extent.  It's horrible of me to test someone, but sometimes we just want to know without flat out asking.

The video above, about Audra Brulc specifically spoke out to me.  There are other videos that were posted in the series that are relatable, but the way she voiced her answered, related to me most.  I, too, have generalized anxiety and even more specifically, social anxiety.  I'm not even sure I suffer from depression, but I guess I haven't gotten that far with my therapist.  As everyone noted in their videos, it truly is struggle that some may not understand, but for me, I don't think it should be something so shameful.  We are all different, we are all made differently for a reason and in this case, it's to share that we are not alone.  It's hard to hear and even hard to say, but it is true.  To give advice to someone who is also struggling with a mental illness or more is not easy whatsoever, but all we can do is reach out a hand and try to understand.  Sometimes we can't help each other, just as long as there isn't any blame to go around.  I am glad that OU had created something so meaningful and possibly life-changing for some people.  I was honestly surprised that there was such a thing, but in society today, it is much needed.

Why should we fight a war alone? 

Growth Mindset: Meme Beyond School

(Beauty.  created with Canva.)

This challenge, I decided to generate a meme through Canva.  I had generated a different one through the automotivator for a tech tip and it was nice, though I have to give it to Canva for being all the more creative in their choices and style.  I love using that site now!!  The original photo had 'Sunset Chaser' and the text underneath, but I decided to add in the above text that was still offered through Canva's choices.  It all flowed so well together and just made sense.  

I'm combining this meme post along with Growth Beyond School, because I just wanted to touch base with where my life is headed or where it isn't headed and how it currently is.  Well right now, I have been applying the aspect of Growth Mindset into my life, mostly at work and just personally with other people.  I used to worry about what others thought of myself and sometimes, I still do.  I've learned over time that it doesn't matter what others may think, because that is their thought process and not our own.  The fact is that, we should worry more so about how we handle certain things and situations rather than others that 'interfere' with what we know and/or don't.  Whether we feel stupid is solely on the reaction from others and I believe the focus should be within, because we only believe we are stupid if we say that we are.  As for where my life may be headed and not?  I am still unsure.  I am just eager to finish up my last year of school and go with the flow to see where life takes me.  The end result may not be what I plan or expect, but I hope to be happy along the way, even through the struggles, because that is what makes us who we are.

Learning Challenge: Empathy

So in this challenge on empathy I actually decided to take the clip that was given as an example by Professor Gibbs.  

I have learned about Bréne Brown before on her book, Daring Greatly, that I have mentioned before in my Back-up and Review post and her stuff intrigues me so much.  After watching this video of hers, it definitely brought the two differences between empathy and sympathy to light.  I have always thought of myself as an empathetic person towards others, though I have never gone through certain struggles, I always connected with them and wanted to help, knowing that I couldn't.  Then there were moments where I just couldn't differentiate between whether I was being empathetic or just being plain sympathetic, but she put that in perspective.  She made me realize that I actually fight between the two.  If I truly care about the person, I am empathetic, whereas if I didn't care about the person enough, then I didn't care as much and just sympathized with them without even thinking twice about it.  She is right that it is all about connection and if there isn't any, then people won't understand in the way that we hope they will.  It also reminds me of when I think of the way some people think, it's either black and white, there are no gray areas; I always try to see myself as viewing gray, as much as I can.

This topic is so great to delve deeper into and I plan to do just that.  It's definitely an eye opener.

(Empathy is reaching a hand out.  Flickr.)

Tech Tip: Automotivator

I thought this was pretty neat to create.  I had never made one before and though this picture doesn't quite match with the script, it was still fun.  The picture was actually generated randomly from automotivator so I didn't have a choice in theirs.  I chose 'yolo' not from a specific place and the same for 'cheers to mistakes,' not at least from where I can remember.  When I saw the subtext, it resonated with me and adding 'yolo' just kind of fit, because you only live once so cheers to mistakes!

(YOLO: CHEERS TO MISTAKES.  Created with Automotivator.)

Tech Tip: Canvas Mobile App

So this may seem kind of late in the semester to discuss whether I've downloaded the Canvas App or not.  In all honesty, I have and I did so, I believe, in the beginning of last semester just in case I needed to revert back to it for some missing information.

I currently use it to check on future assignments and other assignments I've missed.  It's still quite confusing to me so I still have to play with it some, but it is nice to have and super convenient.  I guess a few things I could do without, is the confusion on the notifications.  I've learned how to add the right notifications that suit what I would like to receive, but even when I selected that, it didn't quite measure up to what I was expecting.  Looking through it on mobile can also be challenging, because even when you want to view certain assignments or grades, it can be confusing on how the layout is.  And because it is an app, it's just overall difficult to work with so it's just nice to work with the site on a laptop as usual rather than on the phone.

Others may think differently from me, but I'm not one to want to use my phone in that manner when it's such a small device.  Whether convenient or not, it doesn't always mean it's perfect.

Reading Notes B: The End of Beowulf

  • Beowulf fought with his best friend Wiglaf against a dragon
  • Dragon's tail hit Beowulf and injured him, but Wiglaf killed it by finding his weak spot and it fell beside Beowulf
  • As he was dying, everyone cried out but they didn't deserve to as they were not as courageous as he
  • Beowulf was grateful to die by his friend and asked for one last treasure to be left with him 
  • Wiglaf found a crown amongst jewels and set it on him
  • He was made a barrow at Whale's Headland and carried there by Wiglaf.  They burned the treasure with him per Wiglaf's orders. No one refuted him.
  • Many came to mourn his death and they threw the dragon into the gray sea as they laid Beowulf on the pyre created
  • So they lit the pyre and there the King of Geatsland went back up to the Gods

(Beowulf.  Flickr.)

I chose the end of the story to possibly fuse this with King Arthur's beginning. 

I would create a beginning involving how they each became King.  Rather than Beowulf's beginning, it would start with Arthur's and lead into a newer start with Beowulf.

He could already be a King? And Arthur learning that he will become King because of pulling out the sword.  

They will be frenemies of some sort because they come from different 'realms' or to be basic, towns.

So they become enemies to battle and after so many righteous battles, especially one duel between each other, they become friends.  Friends that will team up with each other to fight the biggest dragon.  So rather than Wiglaf, Arthur will take his place.  

Rather than Beowulf dying, Arthur will?  Or they both will?  Or stick with Beowulf dying?

Or rather than having a duel, they try to come to their last battle and a dragon comes in and they decide to team together to defeat him.  So not exactly friends but honoring each other as great warriors, gaining respect for one another?  

Can't decide which point of view to tell, though a narrative seems like a way to go about this.  

I can incorporate powers that each have, because it is a realm of magic or crossing between a mortal realm and a magical realm?  That would give a OUAT vibe. 

Bibliography:  The Story of Beowulf:  The End of Beowulf by Strafford Riggs.

Reading Notes A: The Drawing of the Sword

  • King of Britain - Uther Pendragon, died leaving no King to reign
  • Caused uproar and many to battle for the crown - the town was not at its best
  • Merlin the Magician met Archbishop of Canterbury & others at their home to request a meeting on Christmas Day in London @ the Great Church 
  • Leaving the Church they saw a stone & left a sword within the stone engraved a spell in gold. 
  • Many knights tried taking out the sword but failed so Archbishop had two of his best knights guard it at night
  • It wasn't fair they wait for the 'King' to show & that every man had a right to try it out so a tourney was to be held New Years Day
  • That day came and many people decided to prep for the drawing of the sword and arrived a brave knight - Sir Ector, his son Sir Kay and Arthur, Kay's foster-brother
  • Sir Kay had left a sword back home & asked Arthur to get it for him so he went but no one was home (went to watch the tourney) so he went to the churchyard & decided to take the sword from the stone because he didn't want Sir Kay without a sword
  • He pulled it out easily and brought it to them. Arthur had to explain his story and they realized he was to be King but they had to prove it and it was proven
  • Arthur found out Sir Ector wasn't his father but who his real father was - Uther Pendragon and felt sad; the debt he paid was to make Sir Kay the seneschal of all his land and he did.
  • Before becoming King, he had to leave the sword to prove to the Archbishop and he did thus he became King to all - a good and humble King
(Excalibur.  Pixabay.)

The overall story reminds me of Once Upon a Time which gave a different take to King Arthur, not a very good one at that.

I could change this story up as a way to create a noble man.  A man who was meant for great things but did not know this until he had to prove himself that he was.

A story still set in this era, keep a similar take but of a poor man who grew up not knowing a life of riches.

Sort of tough to consider what I can manipulate and change.

He comes across the stone, not knowing what it was - much like the original.  Rather than his foster-father knowing who his father is in the end, he has a different family.

He's traveling alone and something calls him to the sword - like a fairy or just hearing a voice?

He takes the sword out and keeps it with him while everyone else is looking for the sword he's playing with it as if it's a new found toy.

He still has to prove himself that he pulled it out and does.  He could go through trials? Of having to prove himself that he should be king.

This can be a flashback story told by his son??  That's a different way of doing things.

Bibliography:  King Arthur:  The Drawing of the Sword by Andrew Lang.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Growth Mindset: Meme of the Week

There was a photo that stuck out to me as I was going through the meme's for Growth Mindset.  Though it's not exactly a meme, it still relates to me in some way.  I chose the photo from Daring Greatly.  This time I decided to choose a photo, but hopefully next time I can create a meme.

(Daring Greatly Checklist.)

I chose this specific photo above to discuss, because it kind of makes me laugh inside.  I see a psychologist about once a week or every other week, depending on what suits me best at the time.  She talked quite a bit about Daring Greatly and utilized the Growth Mindset aspect in our talks.  I actually pitched Growth Mindset to her, because she actually had never heard of it before, even though she had always been incorporating it into our sessions and with her other sessions.  I haven't gotten to read the book quite yet and would hope to here soon.  I love the idea of owning up to what is listed here and pushing through boundaries.  I am beginning to open myself up, as usual, slowly but surely and that surely is growing in me.  I can feel it and it's an amazing feeling.  I hit rough patches, but I bring myself back up and with my psychologist, she helps me pull through.  That's what she's there for though.  I've learned a lot in this and will continue to learn and grow.

(Cover of Daring Greatly.)

Week 11 Review: Learning New Things

I decided to choose two images today, because they are things that I didn't know about until reviewing the daily announcements and attending church yesterday.

(World Languages.  Imgur.)

(Palm Sunday.  Wikipedia Commons.)

The first photo above is about the Eve of Nations where I didn't know that people celebrated the original languages that lived on from the very beginning until now.  Languages have always fascinated me and it's really awesome how people celebrate something as amazing as what we use to communicate with.  The picture above depicts the variety of countries that speak the specific languages shown.  There are so many that it's intriguing how these languages even came about and when.

The next photo I borrowed, is of Palm Sunday that occurred yesterday.  It is the Sunday before Easter Sunday and is called as such because of the palms that the people used to throw in front of Jesus' feet as he walked through the town.  I'm a Christian and have grown up as such, but I never really delved deep into it spiritually.  Recently, I had a coming of realization that I want to learn and know more.  This seemed like a sign as such, to understand the reasons that we do things today and the impact that God/Jesus can have on each of us if we let them.  There's no preaching in this, but a new found understanding on my own.  It's very beautiful and amazing in itself.

(Still learning.  Flickr.)

Famous Last Words: From Start to Nearly Finish

This week, for my thoughts overall, I actually found myself not feeling so much of the pressures of school and attempting to enjoy it.  There were tough spots, but I got through them.  For this class in particular, in the very beginning, it felt like I had a head start and was going strong.  As the semester progressed, there were moments of struggle with writers-block and my reasoning behind why I wrote.  After Spring Break, that’s when I seemed out of it and lost, without a cause or purpose.  My writings started becoming bleak, forced and repetitive.  They lacked a lot of background.  This week’s story 11 even seemed repetitive with my writing style and I hadn’t noticed until after I had submitted it.  Though the story appeared as such, I’m actually quite proud of the result.  I felt like it wasn’t going to amount to much, but after the comments I received and rereading my work, I must say that I am actually proud of myself for the hard work I attempted and put in. 

(Accomplishment - Try.  Pixabay.)

So in comparison to other courses, this class is by far my favorite and one that I feel more comfortable and accomplished in.  There’s quite a bit that I still have yet to understand in my other courses, but for me, this course gives me a sense of purpose.  It could also be because I actually enjoy writing and for this being my first dab at creative writing, it’s quite refreshing and fun.  What I enjoy most is the surprise of how each story written, turns out.  For many of us who have never written creatively before, this is a great way to start and it’s also one that can easily be built upon.  Writers can be born, if there is effort and improvement in the work.

For the next weeks to come, as we’re nearing the end of school, I am hoping to gain more accomplishments and improvements if life allows me the time to commit.  By that, I mean that I hope to finish this course strong and soon.  I could have easily been done months ago, but the lack of drive hit me hard and it definitely pertained to my senioritis and those around me that aren’t in school, influencing me to have fun.  It’s time to take a few steps back, breathe, focus, work harder and work ahead. 


Learning Challenge: Sharing is Caring - Tips on Happiness

So I am not an expert on Happiness by any means nor have I mastered my own Happiness.  I have just recently experienced something that possibly changed my outlook on life.  Though I have my own struggles, everyone is going through something as well.  I am not alone.  No one is ever alone, as much as it feels like it.  'We' are not alone.

Though I'm not big on converting people and/or pressuring and forcing people to do and believe in things that they don't want to or are not ready for, my mother's side of the family is really devout in their faith of Christianity.  My father's side on the one hand are Buddhist.  This may shed some light on how I personally think, but as I stated earlier that recently a slight change in mind and heart has happened.  A part of me gave my faith to something more and rather than two, I focused on just one.  With that focus, there was a lightened feeling and a sense of relief.  In other words, praying can help in more ways that just speaking from the heart and mind.  It doesn't have to be considered 'praying' but I think that speaking out on struggles can benefit with an outcome that may not be expected but needed.

(Smile.  Pixabay.)

Straying from that, positive thoughts and words are also powerful, as told by my cousin.  But she learned that through her beliefs and what's funny with that, is that it's true.  Speaking good and forgiving without any grudges is a great feeling as long as we speak it, we can feel it.  That is my HUGE tip in this overall post.  Speak positive words about yourself and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, because you are intelligent, beautiful and loved.

It starts with even just saying, "I am loved.  I am beautiful."  Baby steps and, eventually, you will feel and see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Storytelling Week 11: Envy

Goldie here with an update on my current situation; it’s dark out and sprinkling.  Then again it’s always sprinkling here in Washington.  I’m turning 21 and supposed to graduate college this semester.

What’s holding me back?  I killed my step-mother.


AUGUST 2011 

High school is officially over.  Today's the first day of college and my dad's tripping out that I'm growing up too fast.

Even though I'll be going to college nearby, I'm actually more worried about how he'll be when I'm not home.  I know I'll get wrapped up in busy-work and working at my first job ever.  He's taken care of me so well.  I just want him to be happy and not alone.


I got what I wished for, but now I’m not so sure how to feel. 

Her name is Sylvia and she’s a receptionist at my dad’s firm.  First of all, I’m glad he’s found someone and he’s happy.  Secondly, I’m just not so sure how I feel about him dating someone that works for him.  It’s just too weird.  I mean, she seems nice from what he tells me, but still. 

This is the first woman he’s dated since I was ten.  My guard is up as much as I want him to be happy.  We can never tell with people these days, but I’m definitely intrigued to find out more about her.

Thanksgiving 2011

“Hi there!  I’m Sylvia, you must be little Goldie.  It’s so good to finally meet you.  I’ve heard so much about you.” She stands there with her arm stretched out towards me with her tote hanging off her other arm. 

“The pleasure is mine.” I smile wryly.  Behind her, dad widens his eyes at me.  I shrug back.  I can’t help my expressions, they just come naturally.

Thanksgiving 2013

Two years in at the University and my dad is still dating Sylvia.  I’m surprised they’ve lasted this long.  No offense to dad, but seeming how they’re constantly fighting when I’m around, I figured they would’ve broken up by now.

Hm…they’re walking towards me.  Oh no…it’s that look on dad’s face.  It’s the same look that he gives when he’s got bad news. 

They sit down on the couch across from me and begin explaining their love for me.  Then they hit me with a big whammy.

“We’re getting married!!” Sylvia screeches in excitement.  Oh…  

It was just the beginning of a horrible nightmare.

MAY 2014

*ding dong, ding dong* The wedding bells chime.  I finally have a mom…I shiver at the thought.  My grandmother and aunt, dad’s younger sister Eloise, are the most remotely close mother figures I have in my life.

As we wave goodbye to their departure from the church, Aunt Ellie nudges my left arm, “You think she’s after his money??”

“Aunt Ellie!”

“Well, someone’s bound to be thinking it.  I’m sure rumors have spread already.”  She laughs her maniacal laugh.

JUNE 2014

My dad’s been married for a month now and things seem to be sailing smoothly, except for the fact that my new mother is a raving bitch. 

I moved back in for the summer since I decided not to take any classes.  I asked them if it was okay, but I guess not. 

She’s been on my ass since the first week I moved in.

(Green with Envy.  Flickr.)


Christmas is close.  Aunt Ellie has been around more often.  I think she’s just as worried for dad as I am.  

A week before Christmas and we’re doing our annual tree-decorating-bonding-time.  “You know…your dad told me how Sylvia’s been acting lately.  He mentioned her being jealous of how he spoils you and takes pride in you…kind of strange if you ask me.”

I’m glad I wasn’t just thinking things.


Valentine’s month and surprisingly I’ve met someone.  He’s amazing, but my new found evil step-mother won’t stop at nothing to ruin my relationship with him.

She’s always threatening me to come back home to help her with something or even using my dad as bait to get me to leave school.  She’s also preventing me from finishing my last semester.

Dad’s tried countless times to stop her, even threatened divorce.  His heart is too soft; he could never hurt her as much as he threatens her.

APRIL 2015

Something’s different in the air.

I walk inside the house, set my stuff down and head to the kitchen.  Sylvia’s sitting at the table holding a gun.

“Sylvia?  What is that?” 

“You have eyes don’t you?  I’m sick of you playing dumb and naïve.  You know damn well what it is and what I’m going to do with it.”

I bolt for the front door.  She chases after me firing the gun.  She misses.

I don't know what's gotten into her.  It's like a switch just flipped and she decided to go bat-shit crazy on me.  

I run out to the car and realize I left my keys inside.  So I run to the backyard. 

She creeps around to the back.  Hiding in the shed out back, I find a lug wrench.  I hear her inching closer so I hide by the door waiting for her to open it.

"Come out, come out wherever you are~~" she opens the door, looks to her left at me and I swing left, hitting her head.

She falls to her side.


I’m supposed to graduate next month and turn 21 in two. 

I'm sitting in an ambulance, the police interrogating me.  Aunt Ellie is holding dad as he’s crying.  If only he knew. 

It all happened so fast. 

I was just a normal girl...she was just supposed to be my father's wife.  My new mother.

Author's Note:  I chose to write my story over Gold-Tree and Silver-Tree.  It is a very similar take to Snow White, yet different.  Gold-Tree is the daughter of Silver-Tree and the king. Silver-Tree asks a trout in a well about who is most beautiful and he says Gold-Tree is. Filled with jealousy and rage, Silver-Tree wants to eat her heart and liver.  The king doesn't let her by feeding her a goat's heart and liver whilst letting Gold-Tree marry off with a Prince.  Silver-Tree finds out when she goes back to the well after a year and from that point she attempts to kill Gold-Tree with a poisoned needle.  She thought she succeeded until the Prince remarried and his second wife pulled the needle out of Gold-Tree's finger, bringing her back to life.  Silver-Tree tries to come back and poison her with a drink, but as she tries to pretend to take a swig, the second wife hits the cup causing her to drink it.  It poisons Silver-Tree and they leave her to die.
In my take of the stories, though my reading notes attempted to convey a tad different story, I ended up getting rid of the second-wife, but leaving a snippet of the Prince's character in.  Rather than it being her mother, I made it closer to Snow White's tale of an evil stepmother and a father that the daughter is close with.  I kept a death in the story to have everything lead up to it.  Overall, the theme of jealousy and rage can get the better of people and I attempted to depict just what it can do, much like the original story.  And not only does it affect the person that it enraptures, but it also affects other people especially the daughter in this case, not being able to finish school.  I left a lot out in the open with this version, as to have readers curious to know more and wonder what just happened or what will happen next.  So I know there will be plenty of questions, I hope it is still an enjoyable read! 

Bibliography:  Celtic Fairy Tales:  Gold-Tree and Silver-Tree by Joseph Jacobs.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Reading Notes, Part B: Gold-Tree & Silver-Tree cont.

To elaborate on the story: an outline from beginning to end

Gold-Tree = Goldie
Silver-Tree = Sylvia
The King = Harold
Prince = Parker
2nd wife = Amelia? (I may take her out of the story completely - though it would've made for great revenge in killing the mother)

  • Goldie is an only child raised her whole life by her father who is a single dad.  
  • She is a good daughter that listens and he is a father that understands.  The perfect duo.
  • Her mother died when she was born so it's foreign for her, for her father (Harold) to be with someone as he never really kept up with dating.  

  • Parents were teen parents.  
  • Goldie is only 18 and going off to college.  
  • The college is nearby, but Goldie is still worried about Harold being alone because she will be super busy with work and school, hardly being home.  
  • Few years pass and she is 21; she will graduate with her Bachelor's the next year.
  • Harold meets someone (Sylvia) while Goldie is in school and a romance blossoms.  
  • Goldie is unsure of her, but approves of her.
  • Sylvia notices how Harold is always spoiling Goldie and taking pride in her.
  • Harold is saddened that she may be going away and doesn't know how to let her go.  (Maybe keep this in the story or not)
  • He doesn't want to let her go so he tries to keep her around but Sylvia is beginning to get jealous and outraged.
Rather than beauty being the envy, she will be envious of her charm and good nature towards her father.
  • Harold & Sylvia have been together for 2 years and then get married.
  • Goldie, 22, has already graduated and is working, but still deciding on Graduate school.
  • Sylvia grows impatient with Goldie and tries to convince her to leave....(not sure how this will play out?)
  • All the while, Goldie met someone (Parker) & they had been dating since she was 20?

(Silver/Icy tree.  Flickr.)

  • Unsure whether to utilize her going to Grad school as an escape or her marriage to Parker, maybe even the revenge portion.
  • (I may just keep the 2nd woman) Sylvia tries to ruin her relationship with Parker and make her seem like a bad girl to her father by having a woman (Amelia) interfere with the relationship.
Still VERY unsure about how this could play out by the time Goldie and Amelia find out Sylvia's plan.  Also unsure about the plan that could come into play - or rather than Amelia and rather than ruining the relationship, Sylvia will pay Parker to take Goldie away.  Goldie could get upset and try to tell her father and just take him away with her. 

Somehow Harold needs to find out what has been happening - but when, where and how...

Maybe involves Harold dying so Goldie can avenge him by killing Sylvia...with a gun?  There's a lot to fill in...

Bibliography:  Celtic Fairy Tales:  Gold-Tree and Silver-Tree by Joseph Jacobs.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Reading Notes, Part A: Gold-Tree & Silver-Tree

(Golden tree.  Pixabay.)

  • Silver-Tree is Gold-Tree's mother
  • Silver-Tree goes to a well and asks a trout if she is the most beautiful
  • He denies and says it is her daughter, Gold-Tree, that is more beautiful
  • Silver-Tree wants her heart and liver to be the most beautiful
  • She vowed that she would be ill if she couldn't have the heart and liver
  • Her husband came home to her being ill 
  • She told him of the heart and liver, but the husband doesn't give her that because a nice Prince from another village wants to marry Gold-Tree
  • The husband/father lets them marry and takes a goat's heart and liver to feed Silver-Tree instead
  • After a year, Silver-Tree asks the trout again but Gold-Tree is still alive
  • She board's the king's long-ship to see her yet Gold-Tree knows she wants her to die so she hides
  • Silver-Tree convinces her to stick her finger out of the key-hole and instead of giving her a kiss on the finger, she pricks her w/a poisoned needle
  • The Prince went to hunt all the while and came back to Gold-Tree dead
  • Because she is so beautiful he keeps her locked in that room & never throws away the key
  • He remarries and one day forgets to take the key w/him so his 2nd-wife goes into that room only to find Gold-Tree
  • She finds the needle stuck to Gold-tree's finger and pulls it out - later surprising the Prince, that she is alive, when he comes home
  • He wants to stay married to both & does so
  • It's been a year and Silver-tree goes to the well to ask again but finds that Gold-tree is still alive
  • She goes to visit again but w/a glass of potion - she tries to give it to Gold-tree but the 2nd-wife hits the cup, when Silver-tree proves to drink with them, letting her drink some
  • Silver-tree dies and they live on, leaving her be.
This story is similar take to Snow White - much darker take involving death in the end.

My take will be more modern.  Gold-Tree will be an only daughter that grew up alone and her father remarries when she is off to college.  She gains a vicious step-mother that knows of her beauty (because she is still the most beautiful and of pride to her father).  The mother is jealous of how much he spoils his daughter.  

I may keep an eerie death in this story as well.  Different from my usual.  I will stick with a first person narrative, though not sure about who - the mother? the daughter? the father even? 

The daughter goes off to college, meets someone and wants to get married.  The father is willing to give anything but the mother being so jealous she wants to stop the marriage, to ruin the daughter's life.  

She wants nothing but unhappiness and a hard life for the daughter.

Though I even thought to add a twist to the story of the guy being torn between two women (that would add effect but be too long?)

Maybe the mistress can be a woman that the mother hires to get in the way of their relationship! But the girl finds out of how cruel she is (the mother doesn't pay the girl, just uses her) and decides to help plan their revenge on the mother.

Who's death could be at the end? - Mother.  Daughter.  Father (like Snow White).  Prince.  Maybe more than two deaths in the end or middle and end?

Bibliography:  Celtic Fairy Tales: Gold-Tree and Silver-Tree by Joseph Jacobs.