Monday, April 10, 2017

Growth Mindset: Meme of the Week

There was a photo that stuck out to me as I was going through the meme's for Growth Mindset.  Though it's not exactly a meme, it still relates to me in some way.  I chose the photo from Daring Greatly.  This time I decided to choose a photo, but hopefully next time I can create a meme.

(Daring Greatly Checklist.)

I chose this specific photo above to discuss, because it kind of makes me laugh inside.  I see a psychologist about once a week or every other week, depending on what suits me best at the time.  She talked quite a bit about Daring Greatly and utilized the Growth Mindset aspect in our talks.  I actually pitched Growth Mindset to her, because she actually had never heard of it before, even though she had always been incorporating it into our sessions and with her other sessions.  I haven't gotten to read the book quite yet and would hope to here soon.  I love the idea of owning up to what is listed here and pushing through boundaries.  I am beginning to open myself up, as usual, slowly but surely and that surely is growing in me.  I can feel it and it's an amazing feeling.  I hit rough patches, but I bring myself back up and with my psychologist, she helps me pull through.  That's what she's there for though.  I've learned a lot in this and will continue to learn and grow.

(Cover of Daring Greatly.)

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad I happened to notice this post go by, Avida, and I am really glad you have been introduced to Daring Greatly... there is so much good overlap between Brene Brown's work and Carol Dweck's work, and how great that you can share that with your therapist! I don't know who made that Daring Greatly graphic, but I was so pleased to have found it since it encapsulates a lot of important ideas from that book. I am happy that it clicked with you too! :-)
