Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Learning Challenge: Mental Illness

This is a topic that hits home with me.  If many of you hadn't noticed reading some of my previous posts and/or just thought nothing much of it, yes, I do see a therapist/psychologist.  I'm pretty vocal about certain things that go on in my life and within myself.  It's not to gain attention, because, geez...I am far from that.  Attention just isn't my forte.  The reason I voice my thoughts and opinions are because I usually think/believe that not everyone is listening and that they won't possibly remember.  And some I tell just to hear what they say; for those that I care about and care about me, I wonder to what extent.  It's horrible of me to test someone, but sometimes we just want to know without flat out asking.

The video above, about Audra Brulc specifically spoke out to me.  There are other videos that were posted in the series that are relatable, but the way she voiced her answered, related to me most.  I, too, have generalized anxiety and even more specifically, social anxiety.  I'm not even sure I suffer from depression, but I guess I haven't gotten that far with my therapist.  As everyone noted in their videos, it truly is struggle that some may not understand, but for me, I don't think it should be something so shameful.  We are all different, we are all made differently for a reason and in this case, it's to share that we are not alone.  It's hard to hear and even hard to say, but it is true.  To give advice to someone who is also struggling with a mental illness or more is not easy whatsoever, but all we can do is reach out a hand and try to understand.  Sometimes we can't help each other, just as long as there isn't any blame to go around.  I am glad that OU had created something so meaningful and possibly life-changing for some people.  I was honestly surprised that there was such a thing, but in society today, it is much needed.

Why should we fight a war alone? 

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