Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Unloading Future Improvements

In terms of the ideas that were already offered and slightly implemented, I would say that they give great options to the course and could improve for some.  My thoughts on them?

  • For changing the review weeks to planning weeks and just intertwining them together makes sense.  I actually like the idea, because it definitely gives students time to figure out their schedules and for them to not freak out so much about what to do next.  Though, I will say that some people who have spontaneous schedules, like me, can be quite difficult.  Even though a schedule is set, the due dates do essentially help with having to get assignments done and even when we miss the due date based on some reason, it can still hinder progress.  Due dates just frustrate me, but they are necessary.  
  • For expanding story planning options, I do like the idea of this as well and incorporating it as an actual assignment rather than collectively/optionally with the storytelling option.  I say this because I have done a story planning and it proves quite useful, though I haven't gotten to the actual story quite yet.  I actually plan to, because I know it could make a great story, but as far as doing so for sake of due date, it didn't come as easily so the planning was implemented.  
  • Audio recordings are different that's for sure.  For someone to input that idea is creative even though some content are already recorded orally.  I enjoy reading aloud and I am one that learns and retains best that way, but I don't exactly listen to them for myself.  I have to be the one to read it for myself otherwise I'll get distracted easily and not be able to retain anything.  I also do better if I can visually see what I am exposed to.
  • Writing tutorials could actually be even more beneficial and possibly some videos of instruction on course content?  Sometimes I find it difficult to read through instructions because I could've missed something or that I just don't want to do the assignment because the instructions are too lengthy.  There is a lot to be said and I think a video/audio would be great.  I am able to focus on something like that, because it pertains to requirement and understanding rather than the entertainment of a story.
  • I actually like the idea of splitting up stories based on their themes.  It helps for some to decide what they want to write over and I am one of those that can have difficulty in what I want to convey/transform.  Things can change based on mood, so it surely helps.
(Quote taken from JmStorm.  Instagram.)

Overall I don't quite have much for ideas at the moment.  I wish I could configure a way to help improve certain assignments and scheduling, but every time I think of something it doesn't seem to fit in.  Meaning that it won't work unless it adds to the work load.  Though I think it would also help if there are going to be planning weeks, that aside from having story planning as a separate graded assignment, it could be considered extra credit.  An extra credit could be favorite Youtube videos after learning how to embed them into blog posts or music even.  Rather than it's own extra credit unit, it can be a subtopic in another, much like wikipedia trails but rather than finding a favorite, they can share whatever speaks to them all week and what they learn from it. 

I hoped some of this gave further ideas/details beyond what I've stated and creates something great! 

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